
Watkins & Eager has a longstanding, full-service banking practice.  The firm regularly advises and represents financial institutions and consumer finance companies regarding business operations and in litigation and arbitration proceedings.  Our familiarity with today’s ever-evolving economic and regulatory landscape allows us to counsel banks on matters ranging from day-to-day concerns to complex financing transactions and high stakes litigation.  The members of our banking and financial institutions team have worked with large and small financial institutions, including community banks, for many years and offer a wealth of practical, hands-on experience and legal knowledge.  The firm’s representation includes lending, debtor-creditor issues, bankruptcy, loan workouts, corporate trust matters, estate and trust administration, third-party legal opinions, regulatory compliance, insurance, mergers and acquisitions, litigation in state and federal courts, and arbitrations.  Watkins & Eager is particularly active in commercial lending, including credit facilities that range from traditional commercial loans to multi-state credit arrangements.  The firm also has significant experience handling distressed loans and assets and failed bank receiverships.

We counsel federal and state-chartered depository institutions and their holding companies on regulatory, enforcement, transactional, and litigation issues.  Our clients include banks of all sizes, including domestic banks, regional and community banks, and specialty banks.